Sunday, January 24, 2016

TP Trouble

A couple years ago, Hunter blogged about Jenna's obsession with toilet paper.  That obsession has not gone away or lessened even a tiny bit in the past two years.  Jenna still LOVES eating the TP!  It's not unusual for the roll of paper in the master bath to look like this:

Recently, the roll looked like this after Jenna had been quite successful at the Grab and Go before being discovered:

Oddly enough, Jenna never attempts to snatch the paper from the extra rolls in that basket nearby! Nor does she take or eat the paper when she's left free to roam the house.  This passion for paper mostly takes place in the mornings when Mommy is preparing herself for work. Mommy tried to roll the paper back up in hopes Daddy wouldn't notice the trouble his girl had gotten into.  (As if he could have slept through Mommy's fussing).

Maybe one day my sister will learn to leave the paper alone . . .

Either leave it or grab some for me too, please!

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