Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Stick a Paw in It!

I think Daddy might ban Pinterest from our house.  Mimi sent Mommy an idea and Daddy wanted to kill both of them!  I tried to tell him it wasn't Mimi's fault.  After all, Mommy didn't have to actually MAKE the idea she pinned.  Mommy totally blamed Mimi for the whole idea.  Without Mimi, this idea would never have happened.  Here's what took place Sunday afternoon . . .

Mimi sent Mommy an idea to make paw print Christmas ornaments.  Mommy mixed 1/2 cup cornstarch, 1 cup baking soda, and 3/4 cup water together over medium heat to make a dough.  Then she rolled it up into a ball, flattened it out a bit, and stuck our paws into it!  It sounds so much easier than it actually was!  (The original idea can be found here.)   In retrospect, mixing and rolling was the easy part!

In actuality, there was dawg hair on the floor and on our paws to contend with.  Black hair definitely stands out on white dough.  It also took about three (or ten) tries with Jenna and Hunter each before the perfect paw print was formed.  Jenna and I had to be banished to our crates until it was our turn to stick a paw in it because we thought the dough was something good to eat.  (After all, we watched Mommy mix it together on the stove top, and that's where food comes from, right?)

Jenna watches Mommy's every move . . .

The good news is that I was the "One and Done" dawg!  I only had to stick my paw in the dough once and it was perfect.  Just like me!  The bad news is that after baking the paw prints just like the directions said, Mommy broke Hunter's while trying to put a ribbon through the hole she had made.  Apparently the dough wasn't actually dry on the inside.  I thought Mommy was going to cry.  I think Daddy wanted to cry as well.  But we all chipped in and helped out and went for round two.  Mommy convinced Daddy to make a second ornament of me and Jenna too (just in case).

Hunter's broken ornament

In order of adoption from left to right: Hunter, Me, Jenna

In the end, we have five beautiful ornaments that our parents can keep for all time (or until they break).   Perhaps we should send those extra paw prints to Mimi as a thank you.  What do you think?

Perfect Paws,

PS: Thanks, Mimi, for the good idea.  Thanks, Daddy, for your patience.  We all know, "If Mama ain't happy, ain't no one happy!"

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