Saturday, September 28, 2013

Daised and Loved

We hit the jackpot this week!  The Mommy-Love Jackpot!  We decided to surprise Mommy at work with some flowers.  She has had a rough time lately with her thyroid and all of its lovely side effects as well as trying to get into a routine at work. Her legs have been cramping so much that sometimes she is hobbling around.  It's apparently quite painful at times, yet she still comes home and plays with us each and every afternoon.  She also goes up and down the steps several times a day until she has convinced Hunter to join us downstairs.  We were feeling kind of sorry for her, so we told Daddy we should do something special for her.

Mommy says she was super surprised!!  When she called Daddy to thank him, he was honest and told her it was my idea.  Yep, I'm the genius who loves her most.  Dixie thought it was a good idea too, but she wasn't sure about my flower choice.  She thought they looked a bit like bright colorful tennis balls.  I was afraid that might give Dixie ideas, thankfully she's left them alone since Mommy brought them home.   Mommy thought they were the perfect choice to brighten her day!

She also loved the way we signed the card:
Because we love you,
Hunter, Dixie, Jenna & Daddy
I personally thought my name should have come first since it was my idea, but Daddy said Mommy would probably prefer to see our names in order of adoption.  Does that mean he was adopted last?  I thought he was here first . . . something for me to think about . . .
Super thoughtful canine daughter,

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