Thursday, August 9, 2018

Santa Fe . . . Shopping and Dining

Aunt Holly recently flew out to visit us so she could meet Ruger.  It was love at first sight.  Mommy's been lamenting that Ruger doesn't wag his tail that often.  Well, he wagged it for Holly!!!!  I, of course, am in love with Holly.  She's one of my most favorite people in the whole world.

Since Holly was here, it was a great excuse to have s'mores!  We love to break out the marshmallows when she's in town!  This was Ruger's first experience with s'mores.  He enjoyed them as much as we did.  As always, Jenna's eye was on the prize!

The next morning, Mommy and Aunt Holly traveled to Santa Fe, New Mexico.  After checking into their hotel, they took the hotel shuttle to the Plaza and shopped the Native American crafts at the Palace of the Governors.  There were so many pieces of jewelry and pottery to look at.  They spent a few afternoons traveling from one end to the other looking and trying to pick their favorites.  When it comes to making a jewelry decision, both Mommy and Aunt Holly are indecisive.

Aren't these steps pretty?  We don't have any steps in our current home, but we should request these for the next house!

Santa Fe is known for its art galleries.  Canyon Road has over 100 galleries and boutiques in a half mile stretch.  I'll be honest and tell you the truth.  Mommy hates modern art work!  She is a classic gal when it comes to decorating her house and her walls.  Is a strand of Christmas lights on the floor REALLY considered art????  (She saw this once at the Art Institute of Chicago!)  If so, when the Christmas tree decorations come out this year, we can just call the galleries and begin to watch the money roll in!  Ha!!!

Although Mommy didn't care for most of the artwork in the galleries, she found some of the artwork outside the galleries interesting . . . not that she actually liked it all, but interesting.

This is Mommy's idea of what she and I look like together.  She's tall and skinny.  Ha! Ha!

Can you tell what this is?  The game of rock, paper, scissors.  
Aunt Holly "saw" it before Mommy did.

Mommy is fascinated with the architecture in Santa Fe.  She freely admits she wouldn't want this Pueblo/Spanish style for her own home, but she still appreciates it (unlike most of that modern art!)

Before leaving on their trip, Mommy and Aunt Holly looked at restaurants online.  They decided they wanted Mexican EVERY day!  If you visit New Mexico, they call this food NEW Mexican.  They say it's not Mexican, or Tex Mex, but Mommy has doubts about this.  Not being from any of these places, Mommy can play dumb here.  No matter what the technical differences are, Mommy says they all taste the same . . . YUMMY!!!

She will admit the state likes their green chiles and puts them on everything.  This Green Chile Cheeseburger was delish.  I wouldn't know of course since I didn't travel with her, but . . . that brings me to a great question, Mommy.  Why DIDN'T I travel with you?  Your hotel was very dawg friendly as was most of the city??????  Hmmm . . . .

For dessert one night, Mommy thought they should try the red chile hot fudge sundae.  The waiter tried to talk them out of it saying the regular sundae was just as good.  But as Aunt Holly put it, they "didn't travel to Santa Fe for a regular sundae!"

Don't let that grin on Holly's face fool ya.  That fudge was HOT, HOT, HOT!!!  Aunt Holly was breathing like a dragon.  But they finished every last drop of it!  Mommy said she would definitely eat it again, but would need help.  I'm volunteering first!

We'll post more about Mommy's trip to Santa Fe soon!
Dixie Doodle

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