Thursday, August 2, 2018

Something's Fishy . . .

I've told you I like to swim in the playa lake during my morning walk.  As the summer has progressed, those walks have grown even more interesting.  Some might say there's something fishy about them . . . 

As soon as Mommy lets me off the leash, I run straight to the water (Mommy says this is reminiscent of my big brother Hunter).  I act like I'm going to run into the water, but instead I'm secretly scouting the edge of the water.  

I'm looking for FISH!!!  DEAD FISH to be exact!

Mommy is terribly grossed out by this bad habit of mine.  And she learned from the Unfortunate Incident with Jenna that it's not a good idea to stick her fingers in a dawg's mouth.  These fish are like having a dessert after breakfast!  What other lucky dawg gets dessert in the morning???

The fish are starting to appear more frequently around the edge of the lake.  The drought we've had over the last six months has caused the water levels to really decrease.  As a result, the fish that live in the lake are really competing for a diminishing supply of oxygen.  Mommy says she's noticed LOTS of fish coming to the surface in large groups trying to grab a breath.  It's really sad . . . but it's VERY TASTY!!!!

Here I am looking for my next dessert . . . who needs that tennis ball when you can have FISH???

This is me imitating the look on Mommy's face after I eat a dead fish.  Because I can't seem to control my appetite, I haven't been swimming lately.  [sigh]  As we walk around the lake now, I keep my head turned towards the water at all times so Mommy knows my heart's desire.  She keeps ignoring me for some reason.

Maybe one day soon I'll get to go swimming again . . .

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