Friday, March 10, 2017

Meet Leopard and Giraffe

When my grandparents were here at Christmas, they brought EACH of us a new toy  . . . however I seem to have adopted both as MINE!  Don't worry, Dixie doesn't seem to mind (most of the time).  She is perfectly content with her many tennis balls around the house.

Meet Leopard and Giraffe!

I think technically Leopard was mine, but I'm not picky.  I'll play with either toy.  And some days I play hard . . .

Mommy has already had to perform surgery on both Leopard and Giraffe.  She's quite a gifted surgeon, but she does have trouble with her surgical assistants sometimes!

Surgery is required because we play Fetch, Keep Away, and Hide and Go Seek with Leopard and Giraffe sometimes.  I'm usually the winner!

I share with Dixie sometimes . . . 

Please ignore the dawg hairs in the pictures.  We recently spent a couple days in bed with Mommy when she was sick.  We tend to leave our mark all over the bed on days like that!

I'm sure the presence of Leopard and Giraffe, plus me and Dixie helped Mommy have a speedy recovery.  I know it made ME feel good!

I hope you have someone like Leopard and Giraffe to keep you company!

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