Sunday, July 12, 2015

Pie Anyone?

Are you a cake or pie person??  I think most people have a preference for one or the other.  Mommy and Daddy prefer pies.  Daddy particularly prefers pecan pie (pronounced pee-can if you ask him and puh-khan if you ask Mommy).  I think she has dibs on the correct pronunciation since the majority of the educated world pronounces it like she does and she's the one baking them!  When Daddy starts baking the pies, he can pronounce it the way he wants.  But I digress . . .

I have a fondness for mud pies.  Mommy does too.  She remembers a diner in her college town that served Haw River Mud Pie.  She said it was fabulous and she hasn't tasted anything like it since.  I'm not sure if the mud pies I make are as good as what she is used to, but they are really good!

We do not have a picture of my mud pies to share with you since I eat them as quickly as I make them.  The proof of their yumminess is not in the pudding (or pie as the case may be), but in my teeth!

I'm quite proud of my mud pies.  I've only shared with Jenna so far.  Dixie doesn't seem too interested in mud pie.  I think she's trying to watch her figure.  Mommy hasn't tried my pies either.  She really should; after all, they're allergy free!

I think Mommy is about to add another ingredient to the pie mix: cayenne!  Doesn't she know too many cooks in the kitchen spoil the mud pies??

Until my next mud pie!

PS: Happy Birthday, Daddy!  If you're lucky, Mommy will make a mud pie (or pecan pie, your choice) for you.

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