Monday, May 13, 2013

Birthday and Birthday Eve

I hope everyone had a great Mother's Day!  Mommy and Daddy called our grandmothers bright and early to make sure they started the day off great.  We were pretty nice to Mommy too except that Dixie kept ringing the bell constantly to go out and play.  Next year, we seriously need to think about fixing breakfast for her and serving her in bed.  That would be nice, don't you think?

Today is Poppa's birthday.  We hope he has a great one.  Dixie especially sends birthday wishes.  I think she might be his favorite grandawg.  At least she likes to think she is!  She loves to cuddle up to him whenever he sits down.  He had trouble putting on his shoes when he visited at Easter for Dixie plopping herself between his feet and expecting a tummy rub. 

Poppa sure is getting old (he'll be the big 69 this year), but that's not as old as Hunter is turning tomorrow!  In dawg years, Hunter will be the big 77!  Why do they call it dawg years?  He's only been on the planet for a mere seven years!  I mean, Hunter is the dawg, and I think he knows how to count his own years, don't you?

Happy Birthday, Poppa!

We'll see how old Hunter thinks he is tomorrow!  Three years (or 21 in dawg years) and still counting,

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