Friday, April 1, 2016

Gone Too Far?

Have you noticed when you travel down the aisles of your grocery store that the words GLUTEN FREE keep popping out at you?  Even on foods that have never contained gluten?  Mommy says it's only a matter of time before someone pops a GF sticker on an apple to entice someone to buy it!  Personally we haven't noticed this trend because Mommy doesn't take us to the store with her.  We're not sure why considering she took Hunter to the store when they lived in Minnesota.  We think we deserve equal treatment, but that's a discussion for another day.

Mommy tends to notice the gluten free words since she's allergic to wheat.  Despite her super powers to detect these words on new foods, they managed to elude her attention recently until the item was already home.

When Mommy finally noticed those words on our new package of dawg treats, she was shocked!  There are many dawgs who are allergic to wheat just like Mommy, but usually those packages say "wheat free."

These treats were free with the purchase of our dawg food recently.  There were three flavors from which to choose, so Mommy chose the flavor she thought she would like best.  Not that she's going to eat these, but she was trying to keep our best interests at heart.  And Mommy loves pumpkin!

So, have the makers of these treats taken the gluten free trend too far?  Are they trying to appeal to hipsters who think avoiding gluten is the "in" thing to do, so therefore their dawgs need to be gluten free as well?  Trust us, if Mommy could eat wheat, SHE WOULD!

What do you think?  Happy April Fool's Day!
Dixie and Jenna

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