Thursday, August 20, 2015


Since we've been on the subject of toys lately, I thought I would share with you Mommy's latest form of torture for us.  When Mimi and Grandaddy were here, Mommy purchased a neat little cart that can stay outside on the deck.  She hasn't quite figured out exactly what she wants to put on it yet, but she did make one very BIG decision . . .

Is she kidding us?  Or torturing us?  So many tennis balls!!!!!!  [sigh]

The strange thing is that Dixie really hasn't noticed the tennis balls!  [SHOCK!!!!]  I know; how's that's possible????  I watched Mommy fill up the jar with all the pristine yellow balls in our stash and then I watched her carry them outside and put them in place.  I'm not sure where Dixie was at the time, but she seems oblivious to the presence of the jar.  I guess this is what is meant by "hiding in plain sight."

I'm the one who stops by every time we go in and out and gives Mommy THE LOOK to please let me have just one to play with.  Mommy seems oblivious to my looks.  Perhaps because she's so used to giving THE LOOK at school?   Speaking of . . . Mommy's own form of torture is starting soon!

What goes around, comes around, right?

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