Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Digger aka Ruger

Recently I told you I was now being called Digger . . . here's why!  Mommy discovered me looking like this and had to investigate.   It took her a few minutes to figure out where the dirt had come from. I personally think the brown dirt is the perfect accessory to my fur coat, but the humans in the house seem to disagree.  

I've had so much fun in the far corner of the yard!  

I'm hoping I will soon dig my way to Australia (gotta see my pal Homer), but Mommy says I have a ways to go.  Give me time alone Mommy and I'll show you how quickly I can manage it!

See that orange stuff?  That's cayenne pepper Mommy buys in bulk to help prevent the spread of holes in the yard.  It works like a charm too.  One whiff and I'm outta there!  Unfortunately for Mommy (but fortunately for me), it washes away with rain.  Mommy says it's a good thing we don't live in a location that receives a lot of rain!

I'm coming for you, Homer!  Maybe we can meet in the middle . . .

PS: This hole is NOT to be confused with the muddy hole mentioned in the last post!  Same dawg, different hole!

PPS: Homer, there's an island in the Pacific call Kiribati Island that looks to be about midway and right along the equator!  There's a hotel there, but I think from the looks of it, that term is being used very loosely!


  1. You need to dig more discretely Rugie, at this rate we will never meet ��

    1. This spot was great while it lasted. It wasn't in site of the door or windows! I was really making progress for a while ... [sigh] Better luck next time! Crossing my paws.


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