Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Something's Missing . . .

A couple weeks ago Mommy told me she was taking me to be "fixed."  Seriously?  Am I not perfect already???  Apparently she thought not!  Hmmpff!  This is me protesting my lack of breakfast that morning.  It's ruff not eating when your siblings are pigging out. 

Fast forward eight hours and I was singing a different tune  . . .

My parents have apparently had LOTS of experience with hard plastic cones on my siblings' heads.  Mommy says they are murder on her legs as well as the doorways and furniture.  I guess I'll have to take her word for it.  I don't really think the cones I wore were a walk in the park!  Mommy purchased two different cones in anticipation of my recovery period.  This blue donut was placed around my neck when I first got home. 

It was fine . . . then I woke up and discovered I'd been permanently altered.  No amount of licking was going to bring my body back to its original condition.  So, the donut had to be switched out for the Comfy Cone!

Let me just say in case you're in the market to buy a cone for your own head, the Comfy Cone is a misnomer!  Do I look comfy????  Daddy says I look like a Jawa from the original Star Wars movie.   I don't see it . . .

My sisters were very curious about where I'd been all day and were eager to show how much they cared. 

I moped around for a day and then I was back to my usual self.  If you can call a cone on my head my usual self???

I've spent my days trying to commune with Instagram pals in other states and countries.  I keep hoping for a contact with life on Mars too . . .

Those stitches come out tomorrow and I can't wait!!!

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